- Opus 4, Opus 5, Opus 6, Opus 9, Opus 10, Opus 14, Opus 17
- Opus 22
- Opera 25
- Opus 41, Opus 37, Opus 38, Opus 46, Opus 30
- Opus 39, Opus 51, Opus 52, Opus 53
- Opus 44
- Opera from 1961
- Opus (Move People in Sections...)
- Opus (Performanceroom)
- Opus (Establish an Audible...)
- Opus (Amy Number of Any Instrument...)
- Opus (Amy Number of Any Instrument...)
- Opera (For any Kind of Performers...)
- Opus (Object to be Prepared of Moved...)
- Untitled (Divide the People Present.../ One Object Moving...)
- 30 Persons
- Untitled (At the Same Time...)
- Untitled (The Ralations between...)
- Untitled (In an Area)
- Untitled (Taperecorder I / Taperecorder II)
- Untitled (Finish it)
- Untitled (Have the Picture-goers seated...)
- Opus (which is a 16 mm film)
- Opus (Don't Do Anything to This Very Nice Card but Mail It)
- Opus 50
- Opus 50
- Opus 16
- Opus 1965/1, Opus 1965/2
- Tolerance - Time, Language
- Tolerance - Lay-out, Typing, Printing
- Tape-piece
- Tape-piece
- Place the Chosen Tautology
- Opus-service
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