The programme of discussions with experts on „How to enter the world of contemporary art“, is the first instance in Slovenia where important regional players in the fields of collecting, selling, and promoting contemporary visual arts gathered in one place.
The discussions ranged from the creation of private collections, the sale and purchase of works of art at international fairs and elsewhere, the set-up and management of private galleries and festivals, and how we can communicate with different audiences about contemporary art.
The panel discussions brought together collectors, young and established gallery owners, directors of art fairs and festivals, critics and specialized communicologists from the local and broader regions to engaged in a lively dialogue with the audiences. Within three discussion events—covering purchase, sales, and stories—presenting their personal and professional paths in the art market, their goals and inspirations, talk about the rules, traps, and opportunities of this unique branch. The panel discussions was curated by Simona Vidmar of the Maribor Art Gallery.
Pannel | How to: collect contemporary art?
Johanna Chromik, Artistic Director of the Vienna contemporary art fair, Vienna
Dorotea Fotivec, Marinko Sudac Collection & Institute for the Research of the Avant-Garde, Zagreb
Vasa Perović, Architect and Collector, VJP Collection of Contemporary Art and Design, Ljubljana