Bogdanka Poznanović. Marinko Sudac Collection
Zuccato Gallery, Poreč, Croatia
09. July 2020 - 29. August 2020


curator: Dorotea Fotivec

Bogdanka Poznanović (Begeč, 1930 - Novi Sad, 2013) is an artist who through her artistic practice and social activity showed great innovation - in addition to artistic work, she also dealt with the affirmation of intermedia art and introduced new media into her work, collaborating with some of the most influential artists, curators and critics of the global art scene.

The exhibition of Bogdanka Poznanović from the Marinko Sudac Collection shows the works of one of the first artists who engaged in actions in public space, mail-art, artists' books, installations and video art.

Bogdanka Poznanović studied painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade. Her artistic practice was initially close to Art informel, but she quickly turned to New Art Practice, interdisciplinary works and new media. 

After 1968, he began to engage intensively in intangible and research practices. One of the first actions she performed was Heart-object (1970) and in the following years, Cubes-rives (1971), Signal Fires (1974) and others. 

Bogdanka Poznanović's first mail-art work, Feedback Letterbox - information - decision - action (1973 - 1974) is one of the first mail-art actions in the former Yugoslavia. It was performed by mail communication with 35 artists from around the world. She had been creating artists' books, the first of which is Stellata, since 1973.

Bogdanka Poznanović is one of the first artists from the region to use new technologies in contemporary art practice. She was engaged with video works since the first half of the 1970s - first as documentation of actions and events, and then as independent works. 

Poznanović also maintained communication with numerous foreign artists, critics and curators, which is essential to point out in the context of her activity in the former Yugoslavia. With her husband Dejan Poznanović, she founded the DT20 Atelier in Novi Sad, an important meeting place for local and foreign artists. Also, the two of them participated in the founding and formation of the initial concept of the Youth Forum in Novi Sad. Founded in 1954, the Youth Forum become a gathering place, a place for the promotion and affirmation of the burgeoning Novi Sad neo-avant-garde scene. Since 1970, Bogdanka Poznanović had been collaborating in the Polja magazine, and later in the Hungarian-language magazine Új Symposion, also published by the Youth Forum. 

She founded the Visual Studio for Intermedia Research, where she researched and created video art, thus becoming the first professor of new media and video art at an art academy or faculty in the former Yugoslavia.

The life and work of Bogdanka Poznanović were significantly marked by pedagogical practice. After graduating from the Academy, she taught art education in Novi Sad in several high schools, and then painting with technology at the Department of Fine Arts at the Higher Pedagogical School in Novi Sad. She was elected assistant professor at the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad in 1975, where she worked as a full professor from 1976, teaching art elements with visual research. 

The exhibition is organised by the Institute for the Research of the Avant-Garde and the Marinko Sudac Collection, in cooperation with the Poreč Open University.

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