Exhibited works from the Marinko Sudac Collection

Marko Pogačnik

1. Bus tour of the three historic sites in Zagreb, carved in megalith in front of MSU by Marko Pogačnik

2. Postcards to Ajra, sent during his military service in JNA, 1968

3. The reconstruction of the Family of Weights installation, 1969

4. Pop articles, 1964 - 1966

5. Object "Suicide", 1962.

and other works

Milenko Matanovic

1. original site specific installation, 2010

2. interactive performance in collaboration with the audience

and others

David Nez

1. "Roof", the reconstruction of the original from the "Forefathers" exhibition, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, 1969

2. "Glass Plate Between Two Bricks," the reconstruction of the original from The Dom omladine, exhibition, Beograd, 1969

3. "The Earth and Boards", 1969

4. "The Wind and the Light Arc”, installation, 2010.

5. "Inverted tree", installation, 2010.

and other works

Matjaz Hanžek

1. Visual poetry, 1966. - 1978

2. Song of Vojvodina, 1982.

Tomaz Salamun

1. Sea performance 1969, reenactment

2. Bricks and Hay, 1969, installation reconstruction

3. Wooden Chips, 1969, installation reconstruction

and other works

Andraz Salamun

1. Granite Cubes, 1969, photo project

Drago Dellabernardina

1. Underpass exhibited by Drago Dellabernardina, 1968, b/w photo installation

2. What Is Preventing Soil to Fall In Its Place, 1969, b/w photo installation

3. 6 untitled drawings, 1970, mixed media

Marjan Ciglič

1. Films: Val v mezonov potentially pot 1966, Fulia Quanso 1967, Syncope 1967, Nora Ophelia Again 1967, NLP, 1968, Ajra, 1969/70, OU, 1969 / 70

Naško Križnar

1. Films

Iztok Geister

1. original manuscripts of songs published by OHO