essay about authorbibliographyartist's influences
1922 - 1926
Ex Yugoslavia

Zenit is an international magazine for art and culture which launched in Zagreb in 1921. It was edited and published by Ljubomir Micić. Zenit came out in Zagreb until 1923, and then in Beograd until 1926, when it was forbidden to print. There are 43 issues of Zenit in total. The launch of Zenit was connected with the radical cultural and artistic opening towards the international scene. Zenit stood for taking out old values and creation of new culture, in the beginning mostly based on Expressionism. Ivan Goll became a collaborator, and with Ljubomir Micić and Boško Tokin in 1921, they signed a Manifesto of Zenitism. Constructivist ideas took ground in Zenit during 1922. They collaborated with Russian Constructivists (I. Erenburg. El Lissitzky). Zenit's collaborators also included W. Gropius, V. Hlebnjikov, and  K. Maljevič, and the magazine soon became an equal to other European Avant-Garde publications of the time. Ex-Yugoslav artists were also collaborators of Zenit: J. Bijelić, V. Biller, Avgust Černigoj, Vilko Gecan, Mihailo S. Petrov, Branko Ve Poljanski, Josip Seissel (Jo Klek), and  Eduard Stepančič.